Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trout and Berry Days in Paradise

Well another year and another Trout and Berry Days in Paradise...Fred once again entered the pie eating contest and came up short. Last year he came in 2nd and this year he was on world record pace (that is what he said) but dropped his second pie when he had 1/2 of it completed. He ate his third pie and had to just sit and wait until someone else finished. A very dissapointing finish for him this year...but there is always next year....


JEFF & LISA said...

Way to go Fred, You'll get them next tear. Bet it was fun though. How did the pie's taste. Not very big are they. I'd give you a run for your money. Have fun in Paradise. Love ya, Jeff

Unknown said...

Those are AWFULLY SMALL pies for a big strapping young guy like Fred!!

Matt and Gretchen said...

Look at Uncle Fred! Better scratch that off the list of dreams to complete. What an accomplishment. Just too bad they were pumpkin :)

Matt and Gretchen said...

We've got a new bog here now too! Love you guys and miss you terrible! WWW.mgszoo.blogspot.com

Dorian said...

eii good article!!