Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trout and Berry Days in Paradise

Well another year and another Trout and Berry Days in Paradise...Fred once again entered the pie eating contest and came up short. Last year he came in 2nd and this year he was on world record pace (that is what he said) but dropped his second pie when he had 1/2 of it completed. He ate his third pie and had to just sit and wait until someone else finished. A very dissapointing finish for him this year...but there is always next year....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Princess Graduates From Puppy School!!

Princess has graduated from puppy school and she is now 19weeks old and around 60 pounds. She has learned the sit, stay, lay down, heal and play dead, but still is a big puppy and doesn't always come when called. She will miss her friends in school, "Boo"- a daushound, "Copper"- the Visla, "Izzy"- the Boxer' and her favorite of all "Gnut"- a Silky Terrior.